19 - Five Pillars of Emotional Intelligence (5PEI951)
Instructor: Dr. Randall Bixby
(3 Credits)
Class Description
The Five Pillars of EQ- Emotional Intelligence - How to Walk in the Spirit, is a transformative and interactive group coaching experience course that reveals obstacles to growth and self-sabotaging mindsets resulting in the ability to respond and resolve personal challenges in order to live up to the fullness of your potential and design by God as an individual or organization. You will learn tools that you can employ to bring the scriptures alive from mere theory and concept and how to teach these powerful tools to others. You will experience the following learning outcomes:
- Romans 12:2-3 - how to be transformed by the renewing of your mind and ACTUALLY become more like Christ.
- Hebrew 4:12- How to experience the dividing of soul (mind, will, emotion) and spirit, (and flesh) so you understand how to walk in the Spirit, ACTUALLY!.
- Proverbs 23:7- As a man thinks in his heart, so is he… How our feelings and behaviors are generated by our thinking at a heart level and how to ensure that our thinking agrees with God ACTUALLY.
- Proverbs 4:23- How to guard your heart above all things for OUT of it FLOWS the issues of life. You will learn how life flows from you not to you and how you are powerful in God’s design to determine your experience of life.
- 2 Cor. 10:4-5- The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. You will learn to identify your thinking, the truth, the lie, and be empowered to choose to agree with the TRUTH ACTUALLY. What you will experience:
- The Inducer Transformation System- your key to permanent shifts and lasting change
- A deeper understanding of how your choices impact your outcomes
- Ability to Identify patterns of thinking hidden inside yourself that cause failure
- Growth in Self-governing or the spiritual fruit of self-control
This is not a mere information dump! Rather, a core set of experience modules and tools that produce transformation- permanent shifts and lasting change in YOUR LIFE AND LEADERSHIP!
Grow your leadership skills of:
- Focus, Self- Awareness,
- Personal Responsibility,
- Creativity and Innovation,
- Communication Mastery,
- Empathetic Listening,
- Giving and Receiving Feedback,
- Problem Solving,
- Goal Setting and Follow Through,
- Making and Keeping Agreements,
- Creating Margins in work/life Balance,
- Conflict Resolution and more…